Hailstorms cause over $1-billion worth of damage to buildings and property every year, and unfortunately, the forecast doesn’t look too promising. Over the last 20 years, hailstorms have become worse in frequency and strength. The National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has even placed Texas as the worst-hit in 2015 with 783 storms in a single year. While pre-engineered steel buildings are designed to be more resistant to hail impact damage than most other types of buildings, they can still get hit pretty hard.
Let our metal building experts show you a few steps you can take to survive the recurring inclement weather and, possibly, mitigate the damage resulting from these frequent hailstorms.
There is no way to be certain about when and how strong a hailstorm will strike and for these types of problems, insurance is your best way to face the weather. Today, it’s important, now more than ever, to always be covered for all sorts of unforeseen problems. Most insurance companies will cover damages even for UL Class 4 structures such as red iron steel buildings. In fact, you can even get discounted rates by taking steps or using materials that are resistant to hail damage.
Hail Protection
Do not neglect to get a professional assessment immediately after a hailstorm. With the frequency and severity of hailstorms becoming more unpredictable every year, getting repairs done in a timely manner is paramount to protecting yourself adequately from future problems. There’s nothing worse than to face another storm while the previous storm’s damage remains unaddressed.
For all your steel building needs, count on our professionals at Metal Warehouse, Inc. We are your leading local provider of high-quality and long-lasting steel and metal materials. Give us a call at (903) 771-2058 or fill out our online contact form to request a free quote today.